In the spotlight...
"Tovey is the man in the spotlight who has galvanized an entire city with his personality and talent... Read More...
By Eric Friesen, Montecristo Magazine Spring 2011
Bramwell Tovey
"Boston Symphony Orchestra gets ‘Porgy and Bess’ in before Hurricane Irene hits, and before ART’s controversial production...

At its heart was the British conductor Bramwell Tovey, in his BSO debut, conducting with a sure hand and a clear affection for this score’s roiling amalgam of classical, jazz, and vernacular traditions, invented or otherwise..." Read More...
By Jeremy Eichler, The Boston Globe
Bramwell Tovey and bridegroom, Sam Taylor and bride, Lucy Stubbs...
Miro Cernetig recounts meeting Bramwell Tovey backstage at the Orpheum and relates the story of how the Maestro stood in at a wedding... Read More...
Miro Cernetig,
In the photo L to R are Elizabeth Tonge, Georgie Evans and Hannah Labus...
Hannah Lebus describes her experience playing with the National Youth Brass Band at the BBC Proms Read More...
Hannah Lebus, BBC Proms 2012
Bramwell Tovey at the Hollywood Bowl in 2010
"Tovey then took on a masterwork of musical humor, Richard Strauss' "Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks," leading the audience by the hand through the piece at the piano from beginning to end. He is a more mischievous teacher than, say, Leonard Bernstein was but just as illuminating, and his deliberately paced performance with the Los Angeles Philharmonic brought out as much detail as the sound system would allow." Read More...
Richard S. Ginell, Los Angeles Times
Bramwell Tovey talks with BCLiving Magazine about living on Vancouver's westside... Read More...
Carol Crenna, BCLiving Magazine August 2012
Bramwell Tovey and John Murrell discussing The Inventor
"Just as the creation of an opera requires the coming together of many artistic forces, the spark that leads to its conception can arise from a confluence of events..." Read More...
Marsha Lederman, The Globe and Mail, Toronto, Canada.
Total: 37 (Viewing: 31–37)